Hebrew Prep - The reason I wasn't able to write a blog this past week was because of a multitude of classes - database, library catalog and 12 hours of Hebrew Prep class. The Hebrew Prep was designed to give a small group of students a "leg up" before Hebrew starts this week. If I had been out of school for a number of years, had a poor GPA, or had never had a foreign language, I would have been "invited" to participate, but even though I didn't meet the criteria and wasn't included, I asked the professor if I could come anyway and he graciously agreed. Now, at least I can write and say the Hebrew alphabet and feel much better about going into the class this week. Let's hope it helped!
Orientation Worship - The 2
nd orientation begins tomorrow at 8:30 with worship and I am serving on the worship planning team. Six of us are giving personal call reflections based on Scriptural call stories. I chose Mark 10: 17-21 because this isn't a Scripture passage I had
previously given any thought to when preparing to come to seminary. This worship is primarily my class of 42, plus those involved with orientation and to this group, this is what I will be sharing ...
Mark 10: 17-21 As he was setting out on a journey, a man ran up, knelt before Jesus, and asked, “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus answered, “You know the commandments: You shall not murder; commit adultery; steal; bear false witness or defraud. And, you shall honor your father and mother.” The man said to Jesus, “I have kept all of these since my youth.” Jesus looked at him, loved him, and said, “You lack one thing; go, sell what you own and give the money to the poor. Then, come, follow me.”
Over the past 7 years that I’
ve been preparing to come here out loud … that is sharing with people around me what was going on in my heart and God’s call to me … I’
ve thought a lot about “dropping my nets.” To me, that meant leaving my broadcasting career, my co-workers, my church family, my daughter, my granddaughters, my brother and his family, and all my friends in Little Rock and around Arkansas to follow Jesus here … But, I
hadn’t thought about this passage – about selling all that I had to follow Jesus. As it turned out, however, in the last 5 weeks, that is exactly what I’
ve done. In July, I either sold or gave away most everything in the home my kids and I have lived in for 14 years – our ancestral home, if you will. What was left fit in a small U-Haul truck and that is all I came here with. I’d thought long and hard for years about leaving my family and extended family, but, I
hadn’t given any thought to selling my possessions. Why is that? Why
didn’t that bother me? In hindsight, I suppose somewhere along the line I realized my possessions are just things and it’s people that matter. I share this because I’m sure I’m not the only one that sold my possessions and dropped my nets to follow Jesus here. And, I’m sure I’m not the only one who misses my people. But, I believe one of the tasks we are called to here at Louisville Seminary is to create a family - right here. And, I believe amongst the community that is our class and the community that is
LPTS, we can do just that – together and with God’s help.
Missing You - Even though it is very difficult being away from all of you, somehow I and others here have to find a way to build a family, and although I am right now struggling to do that, I believe it will happen, with God's help.
Yesterday was
particularly difficult. During worship, amongst a filled
sanctuary, I felt very alone and wanted to be with my family - Ginger, Tessa, Marley, Johnny and Sherry ... and my church family - Debbie, Jim, Eileen, Betty, Don, Susan, Heather, Megan, Lindsay, William, all the children, and all the congregation. It filled me with great joy, however, to be able to pray for my home congregation and pastors during the prayers of the people. God has blessed me with this opportunity every Sunday that I've been in Louisville and I've taken full advantage of it. I suppose having these 3 days of quiet has given me more time to realize that I am here all alone. But, it has also helped me to understand that part of my call here is to build a community that that can be family right here. Through your voices, God has called me and now brought me here and it will be through each of your voices, your emails, and your letters, that God will continue to reassure me that I am in the right place, and that God's will is being done in my life.
You are all in my daily prayers for God's will to be done in your lives and that God will bless you with more than you ever need today and every day. Much love, Susie