Tuesday, January 29, 2008, a F-1 tornado came through Louisville and we lost 5 trees on the LPTS campus. During the storm, the National Weather Service was calling the winds “sheer-winds” and “straight-line winds” and so the tornado sirens did not sound and none of us took cover in the basement as I (for one) would have if the sirens had sounded. The winds remained very loud until after midnight and they were quite scary. I realized I have never lived in an apartment building much less on the 3rd floor of one and found myself questioning the integrity of the building as well as the windows. (I’ve since found out the building is very sturdy with its concrete block construction and the glass is tempered). I finally turned my lights off and got under the covers so if the glass did blow in, I would at least be under covers and not sitting up reading in bed! I felt fairly safe, but not so much when the following day I saw (on the tv news) glass blown out on the University of Louisville campus! No one was hurt, but one tree did fall on a student’s car in which his wife was in only moments before the tree fell.